NeuralNet 2022 – 11th Annual Meeting, 21-23 sept, Lyon

After a 2-year pandemic hiatus, we are delighted to present the next meeting of the GDR NeuralNet. We look forward to welcoming the NeuralNet community to Lyon, the 21st-23rd September 2022. Registration is still OPEN.

The meeting will be preceded by the now-famous GDR NeuralNet Mini-School. PhD students, postdocs, engineers AND researchers welcome!

The school will provide a skillful mixture of theoretical overviews and hands-on programming.

(one day – 20th September – FREE REGISTRATION)

To register, find out more about the program, or simply peruse our beautifully-designed NeuralNet 2022 website, please follow this link:


The Lyon organizing committee

Invited speakers:

  • Anita Lüthi
  • Carl Petersen
  • Virginie van Wassenhove
  • Benedikt Zoefel
  • Michael Orger
  • Florence Kermen
  • Hans Scherberger
  • Juan Álvaro Gallego
  • Emmanuel Procyk
  • Bjørg Kilavik
  • Desdemonda Fricker
  • Jerome Epsztein