Development of new multielectrode recording systems


Régis Guillemaud CEA Grenoble
Pierre Meyrand CNRS Bordeaux

The introduction of multi-electrode systems has enabled research methods to evolve from the unitary study of a cell to that of a network. The growth of this approach over the last ten years has been accompanied by the emergence of a wide variety of systems, each optimised for specific functions: for example, with a large number of recording channels, with real-time analysis of recordings from a reduced number of channels, or optimisation of either stimulation or wireless transmission, or the use of very different types of electrodes (macro, micro, rigid, flexible), etc. The characteristics of the systems may also vary from one system to another. In addition, the characteristics of the systems can vary from one instrument to another, making it extremely difficult to compare the different systems available on the market. Finally, the need to introduce real-time processing into instruments seems increasingly important as the number of channels increases.

Faced with the current explosion of systems with very different characteristics, we propose to develop work in this theme that will be organised around several axes:

  • Synthesis of existing systems, in particular those used by the GDR teams, and identification of the characteristics that are important to users.
  • Development of standard characterisation methods that could be used to compare systems.
  • Identification of user expectations regarding system upgrades, with the definition of function specifications and, if possible, establishment of priorities. These developments could be in a number of areas, such as
    • electrode matrix (in vitro, in vivo)
    • stimulation capacities (which parameters)
    • real-time processing (which functions to include in a toolbox)
    • wireless systems (how many channels, what acquisition frequencies).

This theme will therefore provide the GDR with :

  • a common view of the instruments used
  • help in identifying the needs of newcomers
  • a definition of priorities in the development of new instruments, and thus anticipate the setting up of collaborative projects.