NeuralNet 2024 – 13th annual meeting November 13-15 Saclay


The conference will take place on November 13-15, 2024 at the Institute of Neuroscience Paris Saclay (NeuroPSI), located ~30km south of Paris.


We are thrilled to welcome the following speakers:

  • Andrea Alamia – Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, Toulouse, France
  • Sophie Bagur – École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle de la ville de Paris, France
  • Tommaso Fellin – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy
  • Inbal Goshen – The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Yonatan Loewenstein – The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Jérôme Munuera – Institut du Cerveau, Paris, France
  • James Poulet– Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin, Berlin, Germany
  • Lisa Roux – Interindisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, Bordeaux, France
  • Catherine Tallon-Baudry – École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
  • Nachum Ulanovsky – Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Daniela Vallentin – Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen, Germany
  • Marta Zlatic – MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Registration will be opened from August 1st 2024 to October 15th 2024 on the following page:

Bear in mind that there will be a limitation to 150 participants to the conference and places will be assigned on a « first come, first served » basis.

Registration fees:Student/Postdoc: 30€Permanent researcher/engineer: 60€Industry (without booth, /pers): 150€Industry (with boot, /pers): 500€ (+80€/suppl. pers.)


We welcome abstracts submissions from the entire community from trainees to PIs.
There is the possibility for abstracts to be choses for a talk, and, in any case, all presenters will be given ample time for poster presentations and a preview datablitz talk.

 Submit your abstract here.


As usual, ahead of the conference, on November 12th (afternoon) and 13th (morning), there will be an optional and free Minischool at NeuroPSI.

For information click here.

Gala dinner

We invite you all to a gala dinner, open to everyone registered for the meeting.

NeuralNet 2023 – 12th Annual Meeting, 11-13 October, Marseille

The goal of the GDR NeuralNet annual meeting, on its 12th edition this year, is to develop and promote synergies between researchers, engineers, and other stakeholders engaged in measuring, manipulating, analyzing and interpreting neuronal activity.

The official website for the conference is here.


We are thrilled to welcome the following speakers:

  • Demian Battaglia
  • Andrea Burgalossi
  • Hayriye Cagnan
  • Matteo Carandini
  • Ann Clemens
  • Matteo Di Volo
  • Mark Humphries
  • Kate Jeffery
  • Liset Menendez de la Prida
  • Marta Moita
  • Martha Nari Havenith
  • David Robbe
  • Marieke Schölvinck
  • German Sumbre


Registration is now open!
Bear in mind that there will be a limitation to 180 participants to the conference and places will be assigned on a first come first served basis.

The deadline for registration is September 15th.

Register here


Submit your abstract here


As usual, ahead of the conference (October 9-10th) there will be an optional and free Minischool at the Inmed in Luminy.

For information click here

NeuralNet 2022 – 11th Annual Meeting, 21-23 sept, Lyon

After a 2-year pandemic hiatus, we are delighted to present the next meeting of the GDR NeuralNet. We look forward to welcoming the NeuralNet community to Lyon, the 21st-23rd September 2022. Registration is still OPEN.

The meeting will be preceded by the now-famous GDR NeuralNet Mini-School. PhD students, postdocs, engineers AND researchers welcome!

The school will provide a skillful mixture of theoretical overviews and hands-on programming.

(one day – 20th September – FREE REGISTRATION)

To register, find out more about the program, or simply peruse our beautifully-designed NeuralNet 2022 website, please follow this link:


The Lyon organizing committee

Invited speakers:

  • Anita Lüthi
  • Carl Petersen
  • Virginie van Wassenhove
  • Benedikt Zoefel
  • Michael Orger
  • Florence Kermen
  • Hans Scherberger
  • Juan Álvaro Gallego
  • Emmanuel Procyk
  • Bjørg Kilavik
  • Desdemonda Fricker
  • Jerome Epsztein

Data Analysis School in October 2021 !

The GDR NeuralNet organizes a one week school on data analysis with python toolboxes for electrophysiology and Ca-imaging.  This school will be held in-person in Lyon from October 18th to October 22nd in the amphitheater of the CRNL. The GDR NeuralNet brings together research teams engaged in measuring, manipulating, analyzing and interpreting neuronal activity.

Developers (or advanced users) of several important and useful python toolboxes for data analysis will be present to introduce the participants to the underlying theory behind these tools. Participants will be guided during a hands-on session on their own datasets.

Tentative schedule:
Day 1 : optional python course, for non python programmers (Samuel Garcia)
Day 2 : Information theory and connectivity using “frites” (Etienne Combrison, Andrea Brovelli)
Day 3 : data manipulation and spike train analysis with “neo + elephant” (Julia Sprenger, Michael Denker)
Day 4 : spike sorting with “spikeinterface/spyking-circus/tridesclous/”  (Pierre Yger, Alessio Buccino, Samuel Garcia)
Day 5 : pipeline for calcium imaging with “suite2p” (Owen Randlett)

The number of attendees is set to a maximum of 35. The school is open to everyone (Masters students, phd students, postdocs, PIs, engineers).
The school is totally free but attendees need to pay for their travel, accommodation and food
(aside from lunches, which will be provided).
Please be aware that a EU Digital COVID certificate may be asked for according to the French government rules applicable in October.

Registration form :
Registration opened until September 23rd (6pm)

Note: There is a potential risk of postponement (decision will be taken early in October). If the school is canceled, we will NOT make it virtual, because such an event requires a hands-on approach and interaction between attendees. However, we might simply postpone it to the end of the year if the situation improves. So if you register and want to book travel/hotel, please make sure to have all available cancelation options.

Registration is open ! 10th annual meeting of the GDR–NeuralNet – Bordeaux, December 2-4th, 2019

Conférence NeuralNet 2019

Comment l’activité neuronale collective sert-elle les fonctions du système nerveux? Le réseau de recherche « NeuralNet » a pour objectif de discuter des dernières recherches et des progrès récents réalisés dans le domaine. Cette réunion est également une occasion de développer et de promouvoir des synergies entre chercheurs, ingénieurs et autres parties prenantes partageant un intérêt commun pour la mesure, la manipulation, l’analyse et l’interprétation de l’activité neuronale.

Cette conférence du GDR (NeuralNet) aura lieu du 2 au 4 décembre 2019 au Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine sur le site de Bordeaux Neurocampus, avec 14 présentations d’expert-e-s de renommée mondiale, des posters et des présentations orales sélectionnées sur résumé. De plus, un atelier de formation sur le tri des potentiels d’action, l’analyse des données et la modélisation sera proposé aux participants (le 5 décembre).

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes (prix avantageux « early registration »):

Orateur-rice-s confirmé-e-s: H Monyer (1er keynote); M Brecht (2ème keynote); B Bathellier; D Di Gregorio; D Dupret; P Faure; G Girardeau; C Herry; D Omer; A Peyrache; D Popa; A Pouget; A Riehle; G Silberberg.

Le comité d’organisation

Catherine Le Moine, Lisa Roux, Cyril Dejean, Andreas Frick, Frédéric Gambino, Arthur Leblois and Nicolas Mallet

8th annual meeting of the GDR–NeuralNet – Strasbourg, November 22-24th, 2017

Dear all, dear friends of our amazing GDR NeuralNet

We are pleased to announce the 8th annual meeting of the GDR–NeuralNet, to be held at Strasbourg
It will take place November 22nd-24th, 2017, just before the opening of the famous Christmas market!

Venue: College Doctoral Europeen (CDE), quarter esplanade, central campus of Strasbourg University.

It is also a pleasure to invite the young researchers of your labs (Doc and post-doc) to the mini-school on data analysis that will precede the meeting-(November 20th-22nd).
The mini-school is organized by Samuel Garcia (Lyon), David Robbe (Marseille), Pierre Yger (Paris), Ad Aertsen (Freiburg, Germany).

The participation to the meeting and the mini-school is free but the registration is mandatory.

Program and registration :

Call for posters and blitz presentation will come soon.

Save the date as these NeuralNet meeting and mini School in Strasbourg will be a beautiful time shared with patterns, collegues and friends.

Best wishes from the organizing committee from Strasbourg,

Philippe, Romain, Aline , Etienne, Ludo et Vincent.

GDR NeuralNet 7th annual meeting, 12-14 oct 2016, in Marseille

dear all, dear friends of our new GDR NeuralNet

as we already announced last April, the 7th annual meeting of the GDR 2904 « NeuralNet » (ex-Multi-electrodes) will take place on October 12-14, 2016. Unfortunately, we had to change the location, now being held in Marseille, at the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT) on the Timone campus, same location as  the 2012 meeting. It was not possible for administrative reasons to organize the meeting at the « centre de vacances » at Carqueiranne, but we are convinced that this new Marseille meeting will remain in your memory for years.

See attached the preliminary program. We are going to open a website in for registration and payment. We will send you the link as soon as the website is functioning, probably next week. Deadline for registration and abstracts: October 1st, 2016.
For poster abstracts, please send an email to including your abstract. Abstracts shouldn’t be larger than 1 page.
As usual, we will select among the submitted poster abstracts some of them for short talks.

If you have any question, don’t hesitate and send an email to

best wishes

Alexa     (in behalf of the organizing committee)

the 6th Annual Meeting of the national GDR Multielectrode will take place in Grenoble-Autrans, January 5-8th 2016.

This year, the minischool took place in Grenoble on Jan 5-6 and the meeting was in Autrans (at L’Escandille) on Jan 6-8.

Thanks to all participants and organizers !

There was a very successful initiation to Biathlon during the meeting.

Program and abstracts are available here: